- Sub-entity of:
- OSLO KOMMUNE UTDANNINGSETATEN, organisation number 976 820 037org.no. 976 820 037
- Organisation number:
- 979 126 743
Basic information
- Office address:
- Cecilie Thoresens vei 81153 OSLO
- Municipality, country:
- 0301 OSLO, Norge
- Postal address:
- Postboks 6127 Etterstad0602 OSLO
- Municipality, country:
- 0301 OSLO, Norge
- Type of organisation:
- Underenhet til næringsdrivende og offentlig forvaltning
- Industrial code:
- 85.201 Ordinær grunnskoleundervisning
- Web address:
- karlsrud.osloskolen.no/
- E-mail:
- Phone:
More information
- Start date:
- 01.08.1997
- Registered in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities:
- 08.08.1997
- Number of employees:
- 114
- Registered in the State Register of Employers and Employees (Aa-registeret):
- 10.01.2025
- Superior organisation:
- OSLO KOMMUNE UTDANNINGSETATEN, organisation number 976 820 037org.no. 976 820 037