- Organisation number:
- 919 035 102
Basic information
- Business address:
- Bergstien 25C3016 DRAMMEN
- Municipality, country:
- 3301 DRAMMEN, Norge
- Type of organisation:
- Ansvarlig selskap med delt ansvar
- Industrial code:
- 00.000 Uoppgitt
Other information about the organisation
- Date of foundation:
- 09/30/2016
- Date of articles of association:
- 05/22/2019
- Objective as laid down in the articles of association:
- Investere i opplæringspakkene Tycoon Trader, Premium Trader og Infinity Trader i OneCoin. Hver enkelt andelseier står fritt til å realisere alle eller noen av sine andeler i selskapet innenfor de til enhver tid gjeldende reglene i for opplæringspakkene Tycoon Trader og Infinity Trader i OneCoin. Dette medfører at tidligste tidspunkt for realisering av andeler er 1. oktober 2018.
- Activity:
- Investeringsvirksomhet.
- Sectoral classification:
- 2300 Personlige foretak
- Last submitted annual accounts:
- 2023
- Language:
- Bokmål
- Number of employees:
- No registered employees
- Announcements:
- See announcements for this organisation
- Liens:
- Find registered liens and other legal rights
- General manager:
- Kurt Werner Rystad (b. 1964)
- Kurt Werner Rystad (b. 1964)
- Participants with limited liability:
- Kari Ellingsen (b. 1959)
- Liability share: 20%
- BUSKERUD AUTOBusiness address:Gamle Sørlandske 1833036 DRAMMEN
- Liability share: 20%
- ALIVE HELSE KRISTIANSAND ASBusiness address:c/o Svein-Erik Nilsen
Kaperveien 383967 STATHELLE- Liability share: 20%
- ALIVE HELSE GRENLAND ASStruck off (12/10/2020)
- JEK ASBusiness address:Tonsenveien 140587 OSLO
- Liability share: 10%
- HÅBJØRG INVEST ASBusiness address:Selma Ellefsens vei 11F0581 OSLO
- Liability share: 10%
- Kari Ellingsen (b. 1959)
- Power of procuration:
- Daglig leder alene.
- Kurt Werner Rystad (f. 1964)
- Auditor:
- DRAMMEN REVISJON ASBusiness address:Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons gate 1103044 DRAMMEN
- Registered in:
- The Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities (10/19/2017)
- The Register of Business Enterprises (10/19/2017)