- Organisation number:
- 811 792 292
Basic information
- Business address:
- c/o Torill Nydal
Follestaddalen 5136156 ØRSTA - Municipality, country:
- 1520 ØRSTA, Norge
- Type of organisation:
- Forening/lag/innretning
- Industrial code:
- 01.620 Tjenester tilknyttet husdyrhold
- E-mail:
- Phone:
- Mobile:
Other information about the organisation
- Date of foundation:
- 03/21/2013
- Activity:
- Beitelag med tilsyn av beitedyr.
- Sectoral classification:
- 7000 Ideelle organisasjoner
- Language:
- Nynorsk
- Number of employees:
- No registered employees
- Announcements:
- See announcements for this organisation
- Liens:
- Find registered liens and other legal rights
- General manager:
- Torill Nydal (b. 1964)
- Torill Nydal (b. 1964)
- Chair:
- Torill Nydal (b. 1964)
- Torill Nydal (b. 1964)
- Board member:
- Kjell Stian Kolås Aarsæther (b. 1988)
- Kjell Stian Kolås Aarsæther (b. 1988)
- Registered in:
- The Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities (04/09/2013)